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But at least you have your "love" for him?...even though you'd probably never treat someone the way he does to you that you ever loved. Expecting him to change is like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute hoping you can learn to fly before you hit the ground.
agreed awesome tits, not jailbait though
He talks about other girls around me a lot and does not make any effort in pursueing me outside of the texting. He was quite flaky last weekend when he said he would join my friends and I for sushi. I texted him asking if he's going later. he responded hes going to hang out with his friends. i was a little pissed, but i didnt respond to say anything. He called later to say have a good time.
For the record I do not have a problem with my man thinking another women is attractive. It is when it changes from she is cute to man she is smokin hot and I would like to have sex with her......that is when I find it wrong.
keeping just for lefty.
She's a keeper, for sure! Are there any more pictures of her?
well, i got must the important stuff written here, but at the same time I still have alot more to say. So, if you're tired of my story i'll ask some questions now, if you want to get a better idea of everything thats happened, read on.
Why? Just wondering why you want to save it when he is doing things that distress you so.
I listen to all genres of music; don't care for Hard Rock nor Ra.
Don't care where she is as long as she feels safe there, but right now she would move in with you because of your family in the house a house she wouldn't have much say. You and your family would gang up her if things didn't you way. Your family would take your side instead of hers. Either you get a hotel room suite book it for month or go pay down on house, or etc. For you both to live together. Go and ell her that and see what she said about that? If she still said no, then she doesn't want to move in with you. She is scared that you will force her to have sex with you knowing that's all you really want. It's only been two months give it time. Get another location to live but don't bring to her mom and grand parents house that's not right at all!
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I thought extreme sociopathic rantings and a general disdain for mankind, not to mention misogynistic tendencies come when one can't get laid to save their life, no? Aren't most of the insane just men with serious sexual problems, phobias and impotency?
You've been going out for seven months, and from what you wrote I can't keep track of the number of guys she's either f*cked or blatantly come on to in your presence. To say nothing of the fact that she makes you feel horribly insecure and batters your self-esteem into the ground.
Two sweet and very lovely beauties!
In any case, you can't place most of the responsibility of communication on the other person and then wonder why they're not contacting you. At some point the other person will get bored, lose interest, etc.