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I'm struggling to figure out what my routine should be, nowadays. I can't keep up what I used to do.
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That's exactly why I don't understand how people can bring in other people into their bed. I'm sure there are some people out there who can handle it afterwards, but both people have to be fully ready not to get emotional about it. I knew a couple who led that type of life, had 3 or 4 kids, then ended up getting divorced - I believe the husband divorced the woman because he had issues with who she was being shared with.
I'm going to school for automotive technician at MT Tech next august and i have a girl friend who is fine with me having a boy to.
You've never been in control of this situation not even once, from "catching her looking at you" to the sex. She just wanted to bang you and that's it. She doesn't want attachment, she doesn't want you to text or call her (hasn't she already told you that but you insisted on still doing it anyway)
Hi. ask anythin.
If he can find success with women without using cheap ploys and spreading STDs by settling for a night or two with the easiest folks in town, ANYONE can.
You cannot change other people. All you can do is either accept them and have them in your life, or not accept them and not have them in your life.
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As a joke, we were talking about her female friend who also has another female friend, but they are unusually close together. One of the girls has a husband who is living in another country, so the topic came to if it's considered cheating if the two girls "play" together. She said that "it's not cheating if it's another girl."
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I think those are the only two pics I have of her.