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Love dem fishnets! Said it before, will say it again!
we get to the summer things start to change, became a bit distant i find out hes a fiance who only 22 same age as my daughter i was fuming spoke to his fiance few times shes a lovely girl and explains hes cheated on her before with 2 other girls one is was living with
shorts need to be lower?
My confession is, because I'd heard of how supposedly most women are totally inundated with responses, I was curious what the responses were like for a more "typical" female (white, younger, no kids). So I created a fake profile I'll call "Misty" that I put up for three days. After three days I took it down. It was a one-time experiment. I hate lying/misleading even if "Misty" didn't respond to people.
We are all very curious beings. We want answers to everything. And that is all fine but we won't always be able to have an answer to everything.
both hot with nice bodies. Righty's face is absolutely adorable to me.
Do you think she has a new boyfriend or something? She always says how much she loves me. She claims she wants to marry me and stuff. And we have broken up/been through rough patches and she is always there for me. Shes a good girl over all. But idk maybe she just wants something new but is scared to leave me behind? What do you think?
I love the outdoors, and cookin.
Again though...my usual response to this is the same. If she's picking up tall men like crazy, then good for her. If she's only meeting short guys and constantly complaining that the tall guys pass her up...then perhaps she needs to lower her standards.
I guess also I'm used to being single for so long that my "loss of freedom" is playing mind tricks on me and giving me, at times, a small case of cold feet.
I dunno OP... you sound a little like me in my 20s... saying things without taking others feelings into consideration etc... it's what people call "drama" and men run away from. Who am I to judge but you seem to act in ways that are not conductive to finding someone good for you. If you're into having ONS only or dating around it's fine, but if you're looking for someone to take you more seriously you should have a look at your behavior with men and what image you pass... a good example to start with is your screen name here, you know? Hope you don't get offended by this, just trying to help.
cute (y)
i had been going out with my boyfriend for three years and had been friends with him for two years prior. About two months ago he broke up with me stating that he had to "find himself" and figure some things out. He also said he wasn't in love with me anymore. And that completely destroyed me for a good while. I've come to terms with it though and i don't miss his presence anymore, but fast forward to present day and he's cut off contact with me completely and when i checked his myspace, he has a picture of himself and some blonde girl standing next to each other casually. And it made me lose sleep all over again. WTF. First of all, i absolutely abhor myspace because it is a breeding ground for infidelity and makes the deed that much easier, second of all, he told me that this blonde was just a friend and that he had no interest in her because she wasn't attractive to him. But through a mutual friend that neither he nor she knows about, I've found out that they've been hanging out a lot. I think the biggest slap in the face is, that he's been taking her on "little adventures" to find cool places to snap pictures since he's interested in photography and i originally gave him that idea when i was still with him! Throughout the whole relationship, i tried getting him to come out of his shell and go places and when he dumps me, he follows my advice but does it with some BLONDE girl he doesn't know as long as me!
I smoke, but I would NEVER date anyone who chews Just tell him that he sounds like a nice guy, but you don't date people who smoke or chew tobacco and move on from there. If he cleans up, great, if not, I would cut your losses and move on.
If I was your BF my first question would be, "is this woman reliable?" "Can I depend on this person?" "Can I trust this person when my back is turned?"