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I was ready to chastise you for calling her feelings silly, but honestly, if she is giving you the silent treatment over that, she IS being silly. I wouldn't try to "woo her," I'd just go on with life.
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Obviously I saw a red mist, and was extremely annoyed!!! I spoke to her about this, for a time and from what I can figure out she has alot of feelings for me, doesnt want to stop what we are doing, but doesnt want to hurt me. Apparently by blanking me the other night made her think, that without everying knowing, it'd be like we weren't a couple.
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He knows my fears and swears that he's not the type to pick up, and that I have nothing to worry about (duh!, don't they all?). I am relatively sure he wouldn't go for a one night stand, but what about the good looking women who actually start decent conversations with him and catch his interest? I may be good looking too and smart, but I am old news, I can never compete with the "new". And I'm scared. All I want is to hear him say the words "I am done with bouncing, for good".
i now i understand why he wanted that...it gave us time to miss each other and become more fond of eachother! 4 years on were still together
I am new to the San Diego area (originally from Cleveland, Ohio) and am looking to meet a new friend (or more). I just graduated from college and have a Bachelor of Science in Business.