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I second that, Network!!
Jealousy is something you cannot put an end to unless you go to the root of the source. Do you have insecurities about yourself in any way (i.e. self body image, or you're not good enough)? Or things that your GF has never made you feel, you just feel on your own, but apply it to your everyday life and relationship?
The day after I went back and she texted me asking if I had made it back home etc. We had a short little convo and that was that. Yesterday, I was a bit confused as to why she didn't want to go all the way with me, but figured nothing was wrong and she'd text me in the evening anyways. She didn't.
3 5 1 4 2 6
We both got vulnerable and cleared out a lot. At the time it seemed like a lot I was worried about wasn't a big deal once we communicated.
You have to ask yourself is it worth being with a pretty person that you don't like just to satisfy your dad? What about your needs? Have you tried talking to you dad about this?
The writing's on the wall on this one I'm afraid. After two days he's treating you like sh*t again? He leaves you in the mall to go phone this girl to check whether she's screwed around with your brother? Like it should matter anyway. She's screwing around with him isn't she? He makes you depressed, puts you down, you feel worthless to him and he's cheated on you before.
She's got some issues that hinder her from being open enough to have an intimate relationship. As soon as she gets close to you, she runs away. It's likely anxiety, as smackie9 mentioned, and it could be a host of other problems too. That's why she's distant now.
Hi..I'm a fun loving person. my kids and God are the most impotent in my life. Im looking for someone that is honest,faithful and can take a jok.
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