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This is why I said back off a little. Become busy with your life and then return in a couple months or so when things freshen up for her. THEN put the moves on; and she'll be much more receptive.
Thanks for sharing that with us.
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I hate to break it to you, but you are nothing more than an emotional tampon for this woman. Something to be used and discarded. Actually...I take it back. You are even less than a tampon to her. Women generally don't feel contempt towards tampons and this one certainly has a lot of contempt for you.
We live about 40 minutes away from eachother, which I didnt know until we were going to meet up. Her profile said she lived in the same city, but whatever, maybe she just meant to general area. So, as were figuring out where to meet, she is all but insistent on me coming almost right to where she is, no meeting in the middle. Fine, Im a guy, whatever...a couple hours of my life wasted wont kill me, and who knows, right?
Righty looks badass.
Dude, please...
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You should thank the inventor of the underwire bra.
I'm always thinking about her and it just makes me so happy... Whenever we talked, no matter about what, it cheered me up, especially if I was having a bad day. If I was and I heard her voice, I instantly felt so much better. Whenever we hung out, I was happier around her more htan I am around anyone else. I appreciated every single time together and they were some of the happiest experiences I've had in years. I can't describe the feelings I had.. I was just so happy to be around her. Whenever we were close together, like watching a movie, I just had so many butterflies in my stomach. I loved every second of it and it honestly made me feel like the happiest man on Earth.
It's you.
But since that spans most possibilities that probably doesn't help much. If it weren't for the frequency of how often you guys have gotten together I'd just assume he was a player. But he has put in a lot of effort so who knows.
John: what are you doing today (Conversation going nowhere, changes subject)
I'm not an insecure person. I've actually never felt very insecure about anything. I've always been relatively secure and I don't usually let things bother me, but I just can't shake this one.
One knows if one is a [the meaning.