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I know she's really likes me and she knows im willingly able to walk away, but i dont want to invest my emotions and find out she's still doing this crap...by then it might be harder for me to walk away.
I love Tiffany she did such a great job and gave it her hardest. I highly recommend Tiffany she…
Just because your friends are getting married doesn't mean anything. I'm assuming they're around the same age. Just because they're getting married very early in life (yes - 21 yrs old is horribly young to be committing your life to someone) doesn't mean it's going to last, in fact, the odds are greatly against their marriages lasting. Over 50% of marriages end in divorce. What's the rush? You've only known this guy a mere 4 months - SURELY not long enough to know all there is to know about him/you 2 as a couple, to know you'd want to marry him. I think you're hung up on "getting married" in general and maybe it's not even so much about him.
love your uploads cuze
im happy go lucky .ive worked all my life .want now to enjoy .love music .love to fish,,,late night drives in country .cuddle up and watch tv..love to go to festival.now ill write.
Hi..I am calm and reserved, well-balanced and kind. I am accurate and like order in life and my house. I am very communicative and I think tha.
do you really want to be with a woman who's emotionally cheating on her boyfriend? danger zone is right. if you're still really interested in her, please respect her, her boyfriend, their relationship and respect yourself by telling her that nothing can happen between you two unless she's single or if they have an arrangement where they're allowed to see other people (an open relationship).
Skin maybe? Or a smurf.
Righty is such a cutie, great body
I feel like just getting in touch with her and asking her straight up what the deal with us is. Is this a bad idea? or should I just go cold as well and just continue to do my own thing?
So you think it is 100% normal and acceptable if someone in a relationship sleeps over one-on-one at another guy's place (who the girl doesnt know very well), has wine with him there, watches a movie with the guy on his bed, with his arm around her? And all that with a guy with whom she already flirted in the past?
ADMIN: if you would do me a faver and bann my account or just get rid of it, i have cused you guys so much trouble by annoying you and others by a certain post (mvp material)so if u would do me and the rest of the users in here a favor and get rid of me
What do you wanna know, ask awa.
Met her late last week and she was fantastic. Supple curves, an amazing body and very talented. Great conversation too. I look forward to meeting her again very soon!
So her dad is not dying?-LOL
Life is a journey not a destinatio.
super cuties.
I went to school in the 70s. I am looking for a women who is still wants to have fun. like we did when we were teens. Someone who still likes to have bonfires. And go skinny dippin.
I think its natural for someone to flirt less when they are with their significant other, in fact i would consider it pretty rude to do it in front of my gf or if she did it in front of me. But when we're apart I dont mind as much cuz its fun to do, and I was a waiter last summer and did it a lot with the girls that worked there, even if it was just to make work a little more interesting. Like one post said, if its with the intention of hooking up thats different. I think it has a lot to do with trust. Ive been fortunate enough to completely trust my two more serious gf's. But if I was with someone who had cheated on me I wouldnt feel comfortable with them flirting (I wouldnt even stay with them but some people do).
very cute,db
tough to look up at her face with an ass like that to admire
and don't judge her if it was an unplained prenacy, at least she kept the kid unlike most girls that just have an abortion.
Well I'm only 20, so can't really go out for a beer, but I see what you're saying.