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There's one rink here, and in Little Rock. We play their team a lot, and Memphis..
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Awwww.... he sounds really nice. Looks like he's coming on to you. Let him come, you sit back and watch the show a bit more before deciding on anything. Relax! See if he gives any futher more obvious signs.
?? a trap?? what?
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my sister in law told me a fairly shocking thing last time i saw her and my brother.
Decent body tumnyfan. Could be more attractive
H on the other hand seems to need it. I could right now go on his computer and look up crap. Doesn't hid it every well. For him I pretty much told him I don't like it and I can't stop you. But if it affects our relationship he's the first one I'm coming to. That ended it and so he just does it when I'm not around.
I think she may be older than me. Ha!
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Hey all, I'm new to the forums here so I'm hoping the advice and community here is good - some places on the internet just seem to tell people to break-up at the first sign of trouble.
Sorry about the long post.
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Just to add to the above that while kissing another guy is cheating is the least grave of the things that could have happened... and she felt bad enough about it to tell you. I think many people here are really projecting their hurting feelings and bad experiences to you so please really weight the value of your relationship against the fact that she made this mistake and take your decision aside of what other people are trying to influence you to do (including me)
PS. We're in high school and im a year older.
Am I right in being bothered at not getting invite to club Friday night & possibly not getting curtesy invite yesterday (even though I was studying it should still be my decision to make)?