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Hell no. Get tested or get out.
You said he is a great boyfriend and you have never had any reason to distrust him before, therefore do not bring insecurities from past issues with relationships into this one. What did he do to test loyalty? Give someone a compliment? Be in contact with an ex? Yes, that was inconsiderate and he probably didn't think those thngs through, yet he didn't exactly disparage you to his ex, but actually complimented you by saying you are understanding.
I have ready gone through this. He didn't pay for my trip to California because he could not afford it. He had to pay for the rental car ($500), his own ticket ($325), gas, spending money of his own, hotels, and part of the rental fee of the cabin home. He told me I did not have to pay for anything but my ticket but that he would cover the rest. His parents paid their way and for the groceries. So really, add up all the expenses, him paying for me too would be insane. He works for average wage and doesn't ever save money. He is terrible at it.
Right but even you (Mr. doesn't care about how many partnrs a woman has had) have a number after which you'd step back a bit and think "wow that's quite a bit, wonder what that's about" So you can't say it doesn't matter at all.
texted a guy i went on 2 awesome dates with. He ignored me. And please don't give me the whole speech about how he will text back a few days later (doesn't happen usually, if you are he used to would text back as soon as you could).
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I cant respond to emails or flirts but would like to talk with you.i want a man that is not too hurt and not too hard to trust again and can give himself to a woman to be loved 318 times and taken.
There are more pics of her on here somewhere. Believe me, a paper bag is NOT needed. This is hands down, no question, beyond a doubt my favorite girl on this site.
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FINALLY - after poking the ex on FOUR different occasions you come up with the brain wave that maybe, just maybe, you should stay away from your ex.
Hello everyone my name is Ahmi 27 new to charleston looking for a beautiful older Queen I'm a cook but I don't set limits for myself I would love to own a restaurant someday and travel the world.