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On Friday however I joined him and two of his male friends at a club, I took along a male friend of mine called Kris (platonic friendship; Kris went with me just to meet some new girls). Phil and Kris had not met and when we met up with Phil at this club, Kris went off to find girls to dance with, and Phil's friends were upstairs so he and I chatted.
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So, with the last post that I made, I was reminded of an issue that my ex and I had about how we viewed relationships. Not only him and I, but many people chipped in and gave their two cents. Some agreed with him, some agreed with me, and some believed something completely different, so I just wanted to see how you guys felt about it.
Comparing me to someone who has beaten me is ridiculous. This is nothing like that and if that happened I would never stay.
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So....my friend decides to email this girl to tell her to stop emailing her bf. She forwarded it to me...it was very nice and everything...but I was amazed she even wanted to know this girl's name...much less her email address! Apparently, the girl replies saying she is sooo sorry, she had no idea he ever had a gf.
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This has happened to every women, what kind of guys do this? Idiots who assume they will get a quick hookup with you. Block them.
Hell if he stops liking you because of the clothes you wear (or dont wear) he isn't the one for you.